Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Cricket Basic Number 45: Work with Your Nerves

45. Don’t try and shut off your nervousness or emotions. It is better to recognise these feelings and what causes them and realise that the emotion is part of what makes the game so great. Think of nerves as excitement, the anticipation of a challenge, use this to help you focus on the basics of the task at hand.

Cricket Basic Number 44: Turn the Tough Times to Your Advantage

44. When the going gets tough, tough teams take the winning advantage. When the game becomes do or die confidently encourage your team, concentrate on the basics and put the pressure onto the opposition.

Cricket Basic Number 43: Be Nice to Umpires

43. No matter what happens, be nice to umpires.

Cricket Basic Number 42: Warm Up But Don't Wear Out

42. Warm up before you play in a match but don’t waste energy and wear yourself out. If it is hot, keep out of the sun as much possible, after doing a warm up jog, find some shade under a tree or somewhere cool to do some stretching and discuss final tactics.

Cricket Basic Number 41: Don't Be Stinky

41. Wash your cricket clothes after every game and don’t leave wet towels in with your gear unless you want to be called Stinky.

Cricket Basic Number 40: Holes in Batting Nets are Dangerous

40. Have any holes that form in batting nets immediately repaired. A stitch in time ...

Cricket Basic Number 39: Fly the Flag; Only Wear Your Team Colours

39. Only wear your team colours. Try and have team hats and have everyone wear the hat for the first fielding session of each day if possible.

Cricket Basic Number 38: Enjoy Your Cricket

38. Enjoy your cricket and reflect often on your enjoyment of your cricket. It is a fun, unique and great game; be proud that you can play.

Cricket Basic Number 37: Review and Plan Reminder

37. Review, reflect, plan and improve. At the end of the day’s play, and after practicing, update your cricket journal. Review the basics and record any that you neglected or need to work on and how you plan to improve your game at practice. Review your journal before you play next and concentrate on not making the same mistakes as previously.

Cricket Basic Number 36: Good Boundaries Make Good Sports

36. Mark boundary lines with flags or some other visible marker if possible. If a fielder trips over a marker running forward after taking and claiming a catch then his captain should probably call the batsman back.