Fitness | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Stop being a skinny cricketer and start winning more games

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Creative Commons License photo credit: jragon

Are you a skinny cricketer who wants to improve? Then this article is for you.

Make a list of all the things you would like to be able to do better on the cricket pitch. Be as precise as you can. Write it down if you like or just do it in your head.

Don't read on until you have done the list.

How not to warm up for cricket

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Creative Commons License photo credit: fiverlocker

When I was in school there was a certain way to warm up. A way the PE teachers of the world instilled in us kids. It goes something like this:

Do nothing, just start playing from standing. After all, cavemen didn't have time to warm up if a sabre toothed tiger chased them. If you are really keen you might throw a couple of balls to the keeper before taking the field.

The isolation myth: Why your forearms don’t need training for cricket

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Creative Commons License photo credit: Scott (SA-Photo)

There is a popular toy that has been doing the rounds with club cricketers called Powerball. It claims to:

"dramatically increase the players ability to hit a ball further, straighter and with more authority as a direct result of this additional power in the upper body."

If you only buy one cricket fitness book this year, buy this one

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The Men's Health Book of Power Training may not seem to be the first choice for cricketers wanting to improve their cricket fitness. Delving under the cover reveals otherwise.

When I picked up the book from Amazon on recommendation I was worried. The book's cover made claims most cricketers would be put off by:

Beginners Skipping Exercises (Part 2)


Follow on from the last video.

Beginners Skipping Exercises (Part 1)



Very good basics!

Cardiovascular Training - Jumping Rope Cardio Workout


Good instructional video. Get the basics right and then build the pace and intensity....then add the tricks!

Jump Rope Training - Advanced



This is agility! Amazing what you can achieve with practice! This guy MUST have started just hopping over the rope....and now....



Dynamic Warm-Up #2


More of the same but with a few different movements and better music!

Dynamic Warm-Up #1


All my athletes should be doing this prior to training! LEARN IT!!