Fitness | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Swiss Ball Stretches


In training there is always "more than one way to skin a cat"! Use this routine to warm down or before a workout. It falls somewhere between a static and a dynamic stretch.

Swiss Ball/Stability Ball Basics


Another very informative video.




The Top 10 Stability Ball Exercises


Variety is essential in your training program! Using a swiss ball occassionally instead of your "normal" workout can keep you focussed and help keep training interesting. Many coaches use these - including my classes at Activate.

Yoga: Great Morning Routine


Another good routine! Just giving you some options guys!

Yoga for Athletes #2



A great routine very well explained. Listen to the explanation as you watch!


Yoga Stretches - Child to DF Dog!





It’s never too late: 6 comeback tips for over the hill cricketers

Creative Commons License photo credit: gingerninjah

People have started to notice. Time is catching up on you.

As you get older the 'promising youngster' tag has slowly vanished and your waistline is making the creep towards middle aged spread. In the past a rut of form was written off, but now you find selectors dropping you down a standard. They tell you they are giving the younger ones a chance but you suspect they think your eyes are going.

The 6 Best fitness tips for junior cricketers ever

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Creative Commons License photo credit: one-11

As the Australian and South African teams have proven in recent years, strength and conditioning has become a critical element in cricket success.

It's no longer enough to be a talented bowler or batsman to make enough of an impact to break into top level cricket.

You also need to be fast, powerful, and agile even after a long day in the sunshine.