Coaching | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Coaching Tour Diary: England in Sri Lanka (part 2)

Iain Brunnschweiler is on tour, coaching England Under 19s in Sri Lanka. This is the second part of the diary, you can read part one here.

Just Hitting Balls: The Simple Way to Understand How Many Deliveries to Face at Training

After this epic case study article, we got a comment from Facebook saying, "You could realistically be drilling/bowling close to 500 reps per week, which would get improvement.". Yet our case study players averaged a mere 38 reps per week, despite putting in 20 hours of sessions. The highest in any one week was 114. Miles away from 500.

Have we wasted our time?

More importantly, are you wasting your time if you can't put in 500 reps a week?

Use "Power Positions" to Throw Harder with Less Injury Risk

We had a wonderful throwing based question from Peter on the podcast recently. Peter was coming back from injury of the shoulder and looking to build a throwing technique which would take pain away from that area.

I suggested that he made his throwing action more efficient. This increases power and significantly reduces the chance of throwing injury. So, what does this look like?

Coaching Tour Diary: Iain Brunnschweiler with England in Sri Lanka

Iain Brunnschweiler is on tour with the England Under 19 side Sri Lanka. Here's his diary: It's a mixture of great stories and lessons for players and coaches at any level.

Cricket Coaching Case Study: How Eight Players Improved in the Off Season

Over the last 10 weeks, eight cricketers have been conducting an experiment in improving their cricket. Today, I want to give you the results of that hard work.

This is both a story and an evidence-based piece of research. There are lessons to be learned about every aspect of cricket coaching; how to improve, how long it takes to see changes, how to manage unexpected situations, dealing with people and dealing with your own mental game. There's a tale here for you that has taken well over 30 hours to construct.

Set Up A Bowler Target Zone in PitchVision for Windows

Using PitchVision you can set an area for your bowlers to hit without the need for cones or other distracting visual aids.

Here's how.

Quick Tip: Have A Net Without A Net

Nets are great, but I am constantly searching for better ways to practice batting. Here's an idea to get you out of nets without needing full middle practice.

Pop up nets.

What's Your Goal: A Four Step Plan to Rapidly Improve Your Cricket Skills

Today I am going to put my money where my mouth is. But I need your help too. This is a cricket skills case study about me: I'm going to report back to you on a goal so you can see how these methods work and take the ideas into your game. I'd love you to come along for the journey too.

Read on to join in.

How to Make Opportunity from Chaos: A Real Life Example

Last week I wrote about how constraints led practice fast tracks development of batters against spin.

Last night I was faced with my own set of constraints as my beloved Millfield cricket "bubble" indoor facility was flattened by 'Storm Clodagh'.

Iain Brunnschweiler on the Power of Saying Nothing

Filed in:

This is a guest article from England Performance Programme Coach and Head of Inspired Cricket, Iain Brunnschweiler. For more coaching tips, drills and ideas from Brunchy, click here.

Let me set you a challenge: At your next coaching session, see how long you can go through it without giving any advice.

There is a lot of power in saying nothing.