Coaching | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

How to Coach Cricketers Who Have Loads of Coaches

Iain Brunnschweiler is England Development Programme Coach, and founder of Inspired Cricket

These days it seems like every player has a dozen coaches; teachers, club, rep level, school and parents are all chipping in to help.

Who do they listen to?

Warm Up to Throw, Don't Throw to Warm Up

You show me a fielder who has never had a sore arm or shoulder from throwing and I will assume they "choose" to field at slip, irrespective of the state of the game!

For the rest of us, one thing that helps is learning how to warm up, condition and strengthen your shoulder and arm ahead of pinging the ball in matches or practice.

How to Use Your Phone to Improve Your Cricket Coaching

Filed in:

Cricket coaches: Use the PitchVision app to record and analyse video on the fly, and pick up drills, skills and games to use at your sessions. Let players review their sessions too, all in the app and all for free.

Power Hitting for Cricket: The "King" Drill

At Millfield this winter most players have increased their bat speed by about 15mph in a month.

Two Essential Wicketkeeping Drills for Powerful Posture

“Stay down!”

It’s the age old call of the coach; often used as a go-to phrase when something has gone wrong and they’re not entirely sure what.

Maintaining a body position that keeps the keepers head close to the height and line of the ball is important, so how can we help?

Bring the Skills and Nous of Ian Harvey to Your Bowling Unit

It was no surprise to me that Gloucestershire CCC had a renaissance in One Day cricket in 2015 after being in the doldrums for so many seasons. The catalyst for change was their Assistant Coach, Ian Harvey. He brought innovation and planning to the side.

Is Tradition Holding Your Wicketkeepers Back?

When I first started to take wicketkeeping seriously, I started to study and copy all the greats of the game. The likes of Alan Knott, Bob Taylor, Jeff Dujon, Rod Marsh and more contemporary at the time, Jack Russell.

Adapt Indoor Nets to Create Adaptable Cricketers

Adaptability is a tough skill to coach. Here's a simple way to change nets to coach your players to become adaptable to different conditions.

Video: How to Make Cricket Nets More Fun and Competitive

Net games are easy to add to any standard net session. They make practice more fun and improve standards.

In this video you can find three simple ways to up the competitive part of nets.

If you can't see the video above, click here.

Wicketkeeper Drill: The Wall Game

In a few short months during the summer of 1988 I went from being a 5 foot 5 inch aspiring club standard fast bowler to playing U15 International cricket as a wicket keeper. This came about through a combination of a number of factors.