Quick Tip: Use Two Nets for Better Batting Practice | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: Use Two Nets for Better Batting Practice

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Here is a really simple cricket practice hack: Use two net bays instead of one.

This is because it opens out the net which gives the batsman a more realistic feel of batting in the middle. Nets are typically made more artificial by the feeling on being enclosed in the net. It's safe, almost womb-like in there.

Opening out the net suddenly presents the batsman with a more realistic feel of being "in the open". It adds pressure.



Combine this with other more realistic net elements:

If you have the right age group you can also have close fielders in front to add pressure. In this picture we used fake fielders for safety:

If resources allow you to do this, give it a try, you might be surprised how well you perform under increased pressure.

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