Quick Tip: Making the Ball Swing Back In | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: Making the Ball Swing Back In

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Ross sent in this question:

I'm a left arm medium bowler and I can swing the ball away from the right hander but I can't make it swing back in. Any tips or pointers?

It made me recall once when I asked Ian Pont how to swing the ball, thinking he would tell me some secret International level trick.

But he didn't.

He said there are loads of different ways to swing the ball. Bowler's methods vary great because not everything works with every bowler.

The real pointer is something so simple to say but difficult to do; get into the nets and try stuff.

Maybe you need to work on getting your wrist behind the ball more. Or maybe not.

Perhaps you need to adjust the seam position into the classic inswing position, or even more extreme. But that doesn't always work either.

Darren Gough used to make the ball swing by appliing a small amount of extra pressure on the ball with one finger: it would swing that way.

You get the picture.

Get in the nets with a ball you know that swings and run in to try a few things. If it doesn't work keep trying until you hit the magic that works for you as an individual bowler.

Everyone can swing it, you just need to find your way. And that takes some blood, sweat and tears. No shortcuts.

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