Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Pathan and PitchVision: Giving Back to Cricket in India

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What Artificial Pitches Teach About Changes to Cricket

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There was a report not long ago that the ECB are looking into artificial pitches for T20 cricket.

Immediately following the report, my Twitter and Facebook feeds were brimming with outrage and fury from England fans.

Visit PitchVision at the IAAPI Amusement Expo

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Investors and gamers alike are invited by cricket technology company, PitchVision, to see, use and explore the PV PowerPlay cricket entertainment system at the 17th IAAPI Amusement Expo 2017.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 5: Buzzword Busting

Mark Garaway, Sam Lavery and David Hinchliffe have a roundtable on cricket coaching. The team start by busting some modern terms in cricket like "environment", "intention" and "outcome".

Then questions are answered on captaining part time bowlers and coming back to cricket after a long time away.

Listen in for more.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 5: Buzzword Busting

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 396.mp3
26.14 MB

Mark Garaway, Sam Lavery and David Hinchliffe have a roundtable on cricket coaching. The team start by busting some modern terms in cricket like "environment", "intention" and "outcome".

Then questions are answered on captaining part time bowlers and coming back to cricket after a long time away.

Listen in for more.

Coaching with Nicknames, Technology and Questions

Nicknames are funny things aren’t they? For me, they encapsulate a given time and a given place as you end up acquiring a number over a playing and coaching career.

Most people know me as “Garas”.

Does the Way You Play Cricket Make You A River or A Frozen Rope?

There are two types of cricketers: rivers and frozen rope. Which are you?


Improve Your Fast Bowling Run Up Speed with These Drills

What do we want a fast bowler’s run up to achieve?

We already know from my last article that run up speed is a great way to bowl faster. So let’s look in more detail at the run up.

Better Batting Technique and Fielding Skill with Constrained Middle Practice

Middle - or centre wicket - practice is a powerful, realistic way to train to improve your game. Now we can make it even better.

Cricket Show S8 Episode 4: Death Batting and Crunch Moments

Mark Garaway, Sam Lavery and David Hinchliffe talk cricket. The team look at the good and bad side of compromises. There is merit in standing your ground and working out a solution.

Plus there is chat about batting at the death and captaincy during crunch moments in cricket matches.

Listen in for more.