Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

New cricket fitness and nutrition forum launched

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I'm very proud to announce that I have teamed up with the boys at to set up a new forum dedicated to cricket fitness and nutrition. Click here to see it.

I'll be looking after the forum and contributing to to the other advice sections too. I want it to become a lively and intelligent area for discussion. Please sign up (it's free) so I don't feel lonely in there!

“Howzat Dad? Out Son.” What are your club cricket nightmares?

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Club cricketers are a hardy bunch. You have to have a fairly thick skin to put up with some of the stuff we see every week. Not least this parade of shame.

We all have our own stories. I got my own back on a cheat this very season to a mixed response. I'd like to hear your tales too.

The worst game I played in last year was nightmare for a different reason. No cheating involved, just a very low standard all round.

How to improve your cricket in the winter

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In the UK summertime is officially over. For most club players with the passing of BST and the falling of leaves go thoughts of cricket until spring.

That's a mistake. The winter is a great time to make big strides in your strength, endurance, power, speed and even technique.

With only indoor cricket to satisfy your itch for the game, you can focus on building up a base of fitness and skill from which you can rise to the peak when summer comes around.

Planning an Innings

Firstly, let me say there are many ways of planning an innings! This is just one. You have to adopt a planning process that works for you – that is, one that is successful and you can easily replicate every week. It should be a way of approaching each innings and one that you feel comfortable implementing.

6 ways to get more from your cricket training

Are you being as productive as you can be during training? We all want to play better so heading to the gym or net session would seem the best way to up your game. But only if you are doing it effectively.

Sadly many practice sessions are not giving cricketers the results they want. Instead of improving your game you could be putting up barriers to more runs and wickets.

Why you need to be fit to be a better cricketer

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I got an email recently from Jack asking for some help.

"I need to explain why it is important to have fitness in cricket. I have some idea, but it is the specifics that are more troublesome. For example, you need strength to bowl fast, but how and why? You also need suppleness, but again why do you need suppleness to bowl fast. Obviously fast bowling is just one area, there is batting and fielding. Hopefully you can understand where I'm coming from."

Are you making the most of your cricket talent?

Watch the best cricketers in the world and despite differences in technique and style there are constants.

Talent, balance, coordination, strength and technique are all vital but more important is developing these factors as one.Like fingers working together to catch a ball.

As club players we want to make as much of our more limited talents as the elite do. We train when we can and work on our skills in the nets.

But just like training one finger and expecting to improve our catching, netting is not enough.

We need to look at the whole picture.

The essential 7 foods for precision cricket nutrition

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As you know, I'm a fan of the nutrition advice of John Berardi. He knows how to get the best from sports performers. I have been adapting his PN system for cricket for nearly a year now. It works brilliantly.

Here are 7 foods I use to help meet my cricket nutrition goals, chances are they will help you too.

The perfect setup for cricket fitness

What would your perfect facility be like if you had unlimited resources? Scott at Straight to the Bar asked something similar recently and it got my mind racing.

I’d like to know what kind of thing you would like to have unlimited access too. Leave a comment with your own views.

Here is my dream set up for a club side:

Sorry for the downtime

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As you noticed yesterday, harrowdrive was down for around 24 hours. This was because my hosting company's server blew up and everything needed to be migrated to a new box.

Some stuff seems to have been lost (presumably their backups were a bit out of date) so if you emailed me in the last day you might have to send it again.