Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

How to Play Like JP Duminy

Gifted international batsman, athletic fielder and IPL superstar: JP Duminy even has a bit of a bowl.

There’s no doubt he is a thoroughly modern professional cricketer, and one that has worked hard to become successful. You could do a lot worse than emulate him.

How to Keep Wicket with Sore Hands

Wicketkeeping is a tough job. It’s made more difficult when you have been keeping a lot because your hands get bruised and sore.

When the ball thuds into your gloves hard and you wince, it’s only natural to become reluctant to catch the ball. When that happens you start making simple mistakes and looking foolish.

Just ask MS Dhoni.

Cricket Show 126: What’s Your Craziest Cricketing Injury?

PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 126.mp3
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Burners and David swap cricket injury stories and we want to hear yours too. So drop us a line with your most gruesome injuries, just please don’t show us your scars – that’s gross.

The show also features part 3 of the spin bowling tips interview with South African coach Menno Gazendam.

Plus we answer your questions on cricket careers and how to be loose like Joel Garner recommends. 

If You Want To Be an Overseas Professional You Need a Cricket CV

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Sitting down to write a résumé is a million miles from being a cricketer. But if you want to play as a club professional you need to sell yourself hard.

Clubs and agents are bombarded with requests for work from all over the world. We see dozens of applications here at PitchVision Academy alone.

It’s a buyer’s market.

A good CV allows you to stand out from the crowd.

How to Handle Pressure

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It’s said by wise – and not so wise – people that really good cricketers know how to deal with pressure.

That’s the factor that makes the difference because those who can perform in the tightest situations are those most likely to succeed.

How do they do it?

Different players have different ways of framing pressure, but it all boils down to one simple thing.

Club Coach Fitness Toolkit: Introduction

It’s the modern dilemma of the good coach: how much can you do with your players to get them fit?

It doesn’t help that opinions vary greatly as to the answer.

The purist says that there is no need to do anything at all. Simply playing the sport is plenty fitness training enough.

Get in the nets son.

The progressive on the other hand is doing all kinds of crazy drills to work on speed, agility and conditioning.

A Reason Why You Are Losing Away Games That You May Not Have Thought Of

The car pulls up into the car park and as you get out you groan a little, stiffened by the long journey.

Dragging your gear to the changing room, you change and catch up with the banter of the others who have arrived.

But the atmosphere is subdued. Even in warm ups there is the unspoken away game lethargy that always shows up. You find it impossible to get into the groove no matter how hard you try.

The lethargy spills over into the match and you end up putting in a bad showing without ever quite knowing why.

Ask the Readers: Give Your Pace Bowling Coaching Advice

We get many coaching questions emailed to us here at PitchVision Academy. Today, in the spirit of rebuilding community, I want to ask for your advice for a fast bowler.

The question comes from long time reader and podcast listener Alek, and it’s all to do with the position of the back foot.

So, over to Alek for more explanation:


How to Dismantle the Opposition like Strauss and Flower's England

In August 2011, England became the number one Test team and they did it by systematically dismantling the opposition.

The method they used is one that you can learn to follow to create your own success in the English way.

It will work for you because nothing about England is especially magical or flashy. There was no top order destroyer like Shewag. There was no mystery spinner like Warne.

Everything they did was based around one simple principle:

How to Bat on a Bad Pitch

 Club cricketer and controversial PitchVision Academy columnist AB is back with his views on playing on dodgy tracks.

 The "up and down" pitch is a nightmare: one moment a full length ball balloons up to chest height, and two balls later a short delivery shoots though by the shins.

How on earth are you supposed to deal with this?