Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Field settings: Right arm fast, outswing, new ball, fast wicket, long format

This article is part of "The complete guide to cricket field settings" series.

This is a very attacking field that is rarely seen, even at the top level. It requires a genuinely fast bowler (at club level that is around 80mph or 129kph) on a pitch that is very quick.

The idea is all out attack where the bowler holds the advantage and wickets are the main consideration.

If you know your body type, you can improve your cricket

It sounds like one of those crazy fad diets, but body type training is grounded in science and growing in popularity.

Until we have genetic profiling, it's the best we can manage for personalised eating and training for cricket. You see you will react to different foods and training methods in different ways depending on your body type.

A junior perspective on cricket coaching

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Today's article is from 10 year old Gideon: A bowler from Hertfordshire in the UK. Gideon gives us his perspective on what it is like to get coached and how you can get the most from being coached.

If you want to discuss this article and share your experiences of being coached with Gideon then head over to the forum.

It's easy to tell whether a coach is good or not.

Get your hands on performance tips from elite sportsmen

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Rugby World Cup winner Martin Johnson, world ranked tennis star Tim Henman, England cricketer Jeremy Snape. These are just three examples of the high performance contributors in 'Striving for Excellence'

You see, it's testimonial year for Jeremy Snape.

Most professional cricketers produce a glossy brochure to celebrate their career, but Jeremy has gone one better making his brochure a goldmine of tips on how to improve your sporting and performance.

Cricket Show 9: KFC, fat loss and captaincy

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miCoach - miCoach Cricket Show 009.mp3
13.71 MB

An eclectic Cricket Show this week covering a range of cricket coaching topics, including answering your questions.

Topics included:

The complete guide to cricket field settings

Recently I found out there is no online repository for field settings in different situations.

That is until now.

Under the influence of Richard, the CEO of the company behind PitchVision, I have decided to collate together every field setting for any match situation. It's going to take a while.

Acceleration is the most desired trait of a good cricketer (after skill)

It makes sense to be fast.

The quicker you can run the more singles you can steal (or save in the field). The faster your arm moves when fast bowling, the quicker the ball comes out. The faster your bat moves through the strike zone the better you time the ball.

Acceleration is useless without technique, but when the two are combined you become a significantly more formidable player.

Brain power: Discover your learning style and accelerate your cricket performance

Have you given serious thought to how you learn?

Your ability to master new skills is directly related to how well you do on the cricket pitch.  But when it comes to learning we are all different.

There is no one way to learn anything, cricket is exactly the same.

If you can tap into your unique learning style you will be able to develop your technique, mental game, and athleticism faster than you ever thought possible.  

A full year cricket fitness plan: Your free cut out and keep guide

Planning your cricket fitness training is a difficult balance.

On one hand you know the benefits of strength, speed and endurance on your game. On the other hand you don't want to waste time training elements that have little crossover to the cricket pitch.

That's where the PitchVision Academy Fitness Plan comes in.

5 Unique tactics to boost your club Twenty20 performance

It seems strange to think that the more limited the format the more creative cricket has to become. Yet it can't be denied: The twenty over game has thrown up some of the most unique play since World Series Cricket.