Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

6 IPL Superstars to Emulate in Your Cricket Team

 Many have criticised the Indian Premier League as being less about cricket and more about entertainment. But it is very serious cricket business that is played by cricketers from which we can all learn lessons.

So, on the cusp of IPL 5, I take a look at some of the superstars of the game, and how you can match the players in your Twenty20 team to similar roles (even if the talent levels are not as high).

Cricket Show 155 Competition Winner

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This week’s winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Gopz. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

"I am 23 years old now. i play cricket at the club level. i am more interested in coaching and becoming a full time cricket coach. i want to start so early into coaching and would like to learn and deal with even the minute secrets of coaching and wants to be really successful in the field. can u suggest me how can i follow my dream and achieve my objective? "

Listen to the panel’s answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here

Cricket Show 155: Becoming a Professional Cricket Coach

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With the IPL set to get underway, the team discuss Twenty20 cricket from the top to the grassroots and come up with some creative ideas for using the newest format.

Plus it wouldn’t be a podcast without your questions, so David Hinchliffe and Mark Garaway discuss fitness work in the last few days of preseason and how to become a professional cricket coach (even if you have not been a professional cricketer).

The Sky is not the Limit: How to Train Players to be Safe Under the High Ball

There are more balls hit into the air now that at any other time in cricket history. Matches and tournaments can be won and lost on the ability of a team or individual player to cling onto a Skyer.  So it is vital for us to develop the skills of our players to cope with this aerial onslaught.

Why Moaning about the Rules is Killing Your Chances of Bowling Out the Opposition

The talented young bowler had broken into the first team at his club. But the Youth Coordinator insisted to the 1st XI captain that he only bowled 7 overs in his spell because of the Bowling Directives.

Everything was fine until the day he bowled a destructive spell before having to be whipped off when he was in full flow.

Senior players muttered about the rules, saying it was a pointless exercise that would cost games.

How to Make a Bad Cricket Ball Swing

A fellow coach and I were speaking last night about a perennial problem in our team: the ball stops swinging very early.

We blame the quality of the balls. This happens every season. The new ball wobbles a little but the deviation soon ends, often after as little as 10 overs.

But it’s not just about the ball. So here are 4 ways you can make a “bad” ball swing.

Build a Backroom Staff for Your Team on a Tight Budget

Modern professional cricket teams have a support team of analysts and specialists that the average side can only dream about.

Except, if you build it right, you can have a team that helps your side become the best they can be. And you don’t need to pay a bean in salary.

If you can build a diverse group of people with different levels of experience and success, you’ll be 100% more likely to score more runs, take more wickets and win more games.

The Truth about LTAD for Cricket

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From parents to coaches; a lot of people care about producing the next generation of high-class cricketers.

We certainly do on PitchVision Academy.

That’s why Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is attractive: it’s a governing-body approved model for what to teach and when to teach it.

But that strength is also a weakness.

LTAD is a just model. It has really only been around for 10 years. There is little proof that it works.

Cricket Show 154 Competition Winner

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This week’s winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Brenden. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

"My 12 year old son visits a Consultant Chiropractor / Osteopath who is an expert in functional neurology. Last night he was aghast at how a mid-way bowling action is causing so many functional body problems and strongly suggests a front on action. Whilst I take his comments into consideration, I would be interested in your thoughts on the matter."

Listen to the panel’s answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here

The Big Switch: Winner

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The winner of the Kevin Pietersen Big Switch competition is Arun.

He wins all the Adidas batting gear, a shopping spree in PitchVision Academy and a free copy of Keep Calm and Smash It, the online coaching course from Kevin Pietersen.

4 runners-up have also been contacted.

The competition is now closed, but you can still purchase Keep Calm and Smash It here