Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

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The 7 rules of cricket success

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The vast majority of cricketers leave their success to chance and hope. Why take that risk? If you want get your nose ahead of 95% of players then simply put these 7 rules in place for the coming season.

Weekly Links 25th March 2007

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Caffeine improves cricket endurance

In the last over of a tense game, can you rely on yourself to draw on the energy needed to win the match? Lots of club players lack this capacity and it has cost more than one game over the years.

Playing regularly combined with good diet and a good fitness training programme is essential to combating this, but you improve it further with the use of humble caffeine.

5 ways to bowl when the ball isn’t swinging

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Club seamers in the UK tend to succeed by using swing and seam movement to get wickets. As a good club swing bowler you need to know what to do when conditions are not in your favour.

  1. Vary your pace. Swing is very dependent on conditions. Sometimes a change of pace either slower or quicker can be enough to start the ball moving. Experiment with quicker and slower deliveries if your normal pace shows no movement.

Blogs that make you think

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I must admit I have never been one for "blogging memes". Mainly that's because I have never been included in one. Until now that is.

James Hamilton has listed harrowdrive as a blog (or 9) that make him think. Like him, I'm delighted to make an impact - I hope I do the same to you.

Here are my 5:

Vern Gambetta

How to improve your cricket by doing less

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When everything is going right for you cricket seems the easiest game in the world. If you think back to your best game, did it feel easy or hard work?

I bet that it was the easiest thing you ever did. Sometimes you see the ball early, your feet seem to know where to go and you feel in total command.

What do you need to practice cricket?

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There is not much cricket played in Japan and not many places to practice. Despite the lack of cricketing culture there are pockets of cricketers. These include Shun, who emailed me recently.

Shun's problem is that he does not have much in the way of facilities or equipment to practice. The nearest nets are 2 hours away from where he lives.

How can he and his friends practice with no facilities?

Here’s a simple way to have a better season

Its human nature to focus on the negative side of life and take the positives for granted. Cricket is no different. I know I've often got frustrated with some of my performances even when I did most things right.

An effective strategy I have found as both a coach and cricketer is to keep a performance file for the season.