Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Readers Tips: How to stay in form

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Ever wondered how all that high and mighty sport psychology actually works on the pitch? Tom from SimplyCricket gives his own personal experience of working on his concentration to improve his batting form.

form.jpgIt was during another (reasonably long for me) stint at the crease that I began to wonder what was behind my purple patch with the bat. Sure, I had shown glimpses of being able to grind out innings in the past but as most people will tell you, I'm in the team to bowl; any runs scored are considered a bonus.

The PitchVision Guide to Inspirational Quotes

Ok, we cant take credit for it, but we found this on YouTube. It's definately worth reading......and taking in!  

Speed Warm Up Drills #2



An equally good set of warm-up activities!



Speed Warm Up Drills #1


A fantastic dynamic warm-up! Pasrticularlly if you are doing a session where you are working at bowling run-ups! Very deliberate and well organised sequence of warm-up activities.


Agility Drill: 'Ladder Drill' for Cricket


Adapted from Football training - great for bowlers and batsmen alike!



Aussie Bowlers Highlights Reel

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Some tips on Reverse swing and length bowling!

Learn from Mike: The secret of getting the most from your training is right in front of you

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Mike is a cricketer with a problem. He feels like he is working hard but not improving.

Sure, Mike is doing everything he can. He trains in the gym regularly, never misses a club training session and always turns up early on match day for warm ups and fielding drills.

In frustration he heads online for help. What he doesn't realise is that as soon as he sits in front of PC he has a perfect tool to get more from his training: A training log

Leg Spin Masterclass: Shane Warne


A very good explanation of legspin bowling by The master!


How kickboxers and motorbikes can help improve your cricket

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motorcross.jpgTo put words in the mouth of renown strength coach Alwyn Cosgrove: If you know what similarity your cricket has with martial arts and motorcross you might help make yourself a better player.

The answer is that all three sports suffer from build up of lactic acid, the pesky stuff that make your muscles burn and tires you out. Alwyn explains:

Is there a magic bullet to fast cricket nutrition?

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Who has time these days to eat well? The answer could be a little device for your kitchen called the Magic Bullet.