Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Cricket Basic Number 57 (Batting): Train Your Hand-Eye Coordination

57. For hand-eye training hit a golf ball against the base of a water tank with a wicket stump. Repeat if possible, otherwise simply try and play lots of hand-eye-ball sports especially table-tennis and squash and similar games that involve hitting fast moving balls. Even baseball, overall a much simpler game than cricket, can improve a batsman’s eye and a fielder’s arm.

PitchVision's Elite Bowling Coach in England Frame

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Ian Pont: Potential England Bowling CoachIan Pont, the PitchVision Academy Fast Bowling Coach, is set to be the "new Troy Cooley" by becoming linked with the vacant England bowling coach role.

Hunt in a pack: How to become a stellar fast bowling unit

Bowlers win cricket matches. Because of this, the fast bowlers are a team within a team and need to put unrelenting pressure on the opposition.

In other words, you need to hunt as a pack.

What does a pack of fast bowlers look like?

When you think of a pack of fast bowlers the first thing that springs to mind is the great West Indian teams of the 1970's and 80's.

Cricket Show 67: The dream is over

miCricketCoach - PitchVision miCricketCoach Show 067.mp3
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Get your hankies ready as Kevin tells talks us through how his championship dreams were crushed at the weekend.

Don't worry though, we have plenty of more positive stuff to look at too. Gary Palmer answers another batting question and we rummage through the mailbag for more reader's questions.

Cricket Basic Number 56 (Batting): Be Sensible When You Slog

56. Tonk smart. When going for quick run scoring still look for the bad balls that offer the best rewards for the least risk. You may also want to take guard well outside of your crease and covering the stumps – this can lessen the chance of being bowled or LBW when you miss a ball slogging and it also puts pressure on the bowler to bowl a tighter length.

Be a better cricket coach by giving less information

To be a coach, you have to coach, right?
Not always.

Coaching isn't like filling a jug with water. Minds don't work by having information poured into them until they are full. For a start, jugs don't wonder if it's the right kind of water for their needs.

Warning: Thinking can seriously hurt your cricket

Who wouldn't want to be streetwise with thoughts and plans at their fingertips?

How about this guy:

Raj is an opening batsman. He is a slow starter, but is able to score freely once he gets his feet moving. His coach has been helping him with some technical points.

Meanwhile his team-mates have been teasing him for his slow starts.

Here's an easy way to stay focused during your bowling spell

Bowling is hard. At least when you bat and you are out you can hide in the pavilion, but when you bowl and are clattered for 3 boundaries in a row there is nowhere to hide. You have to finish the over.

No wonder the mind becomes cluttered with thoughts and plans when you stand at the top of the mark.

But an unfocused mind makes it difficult to bowl. How many times have you bowled wide outside the off stump, tried to compensate and end up throwing it down he leg side instead?

PitchVision helps spinners improve flight and guile

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Ashley Giles using PitchVisionNew cricket coaching product PitchVision is helping spinners improve their flight and turn by tracking every ball in training.

Cricket Basic Number 55 (Batting): Always Vary Your Footwork when Training

55. Keep moving your feet. When doing repetitive batting training, such as hitting a ball in a suspended sock or practicing against a bowling machine, continually vary your footwork - how far forward, back or across you get. Placing your foot, especially your front foot, in the same place every ball is a dangerous habit to get into and should be vigorously avoided. Instead vary the effective line and length of the ball and concentrate on getting into the right position for that unique delivery.