Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Fielding Drills: High Catch Warm-Up

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This drill is part of the PitchVision Academy fielding drills series, for more in this series click here.

Purpose:  To practice high catches in a pre-game/training warm up situation

Description: There are 2 balls in the game, starting in opposite corners. At the same time, fielders lob the ball up into space for a fielder to run and catch the ball about halfway.

Here's A Simple Way to Instantly Compare Yourself to Other Bowlers

It’s a question every cricketer considers: Just how well do I compare to others?

You watch the bowlers on TV and wonder just how much quicker they really can be. You mull over how much more accurate that star opposition bowler is.

Is he overrated and lucky or is he actually a pinpoint accurate demon?

Now there is an easy way to find out using the online tools at PitchVision Interactive.

Become a Dependable Batsman by Improving your Temperament

How many times in your matches have you played a rash stroke and regretted it later?

It’s all down to temperament.

In our early days as cricketers our flamboyant side will have the better of us. It’s no surprise because fast paced games have encouraged youngsters to be glitzy.

But even in Twenty20, if you want to become a serious cricketer, temperament is a must-have.

Cricket Show 110: How to Get Selected for the First Team

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It’s a tale of two bookends of the summer on the show this week.

5 Simple Rules to Make You More Effective

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Time is always against you.

You want to do more training but you have work to do; a living to earn. There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want as well as the things you need. It’s frustrating, especially when you see others overtaking you.

Are You Dehydrated and You Don't Even Know It?

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We have all heard the health experts bleat on about how little water we drink. Frankly, it’s gotten a little boring: Another stick for the heath-conscious crowd to beat normal, busy people with.

Except, just for a moment, look past the holier-than-thou attitude of personal trainers and nutritionists. Ignore the perfect teeth, hair and body. It turns out that there is some scientific proof behind the mantras.

Cricket Basic 121 (Batting): Control Your Temper

121. Don’t spit the dummy ever. Even if you have been given out and you are sure you are not out, or if you’ve got someone out and they’ve been given not out – it happens to everyone. In the long run bad luck and bad decisions against you will even out against good luck and bad decisions in your favour. (For this reason it is argued a batsman should never feel obliged to walk until officially dismissed by the umpire even if the batsman himself thinks he is out.)

Adapting Cricket Drills: Improving Strength

This article is part of a series designed to show you how to adapt cricket drills for your needs. To see the full list of articles in this series click here.

By now you realise that strength is the cornerstone of cricket-specific athleticism.  Without strength you can’t develop skill.

Fielding Drills: Pre-match Skill Warm Up

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This drill is part of the PitchVision Academy fielding drills series, for more in this series click here.

Purpose:  An excellent muti-skill drill for honing technique in picking up, throwing overarm, throwing underarm, chasing and returning. This drill is especially good for a pre-game warm up.

Cricket Show 109: How to Get More Turn

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Burrners and David are getting excited about the start of their seasons, but find time to talk through some of the big issues in cricket.