Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

How to Open the Bowling with Spin

We might think of it as a bold and innovative IPL-style tactic, but spinners have been opening the effectively bowling for years. Yet it’s still under-used in club cricket.

In my mind there is a place for defying convention and opening with spin. You just have to know who, when and how.

So, as a spinner, when might you be called on to bowl the first over of the innings?

How to Coach Batsmen to “Daddy” Hundreds

Former England batsman Graeme Gooch is known for advising players to score “daddy” hundreds: When you get your eye in, take the chance and score very big.

It’s sound advice that as a coach you have no doubt given to players. Yet the way we practice is the opposite of the way we score big runs. It’s no wonder player’s score a pretty 25 and get out to a lazy shot.

Here’s A Simple Way to Improve Your Strike Rotation

Ask any club captain and one of the first things he will bemoan about his team is the lack of ability to rotate the strike.

Sure, decent batsmen put the bad ball away. It’s not so easy when the pitch is tricky, the bowling is tight and the field is set to squeeze. The run rate drops and you find it difficult to set a total.

You Are Not Alone: Do You Recognise These 5 Problems in Your Cricket Club?

It doesn’t matter what sort of cricket you play: Clubs the world over face the same problems and are looking for solutions.

Take Watsonian; the PitchVision Academy adopted club. The side are the top of the league cricket tree. They have aspiring professionals and play at well maintained grounds. Yet when I visited the club I discovered that they have as many problems to handle as anyone else.

How to Use Fielding Drills to Improve Speed and Agility

This article is part of a series designed to show you how to adapt cricket drills for your needs. To see the full list of articles in this series click here.

Traditionalists breathe a sigh of relief: Modern training methods for developing fast and agile cricketers are a waste of time. We should be fielding instead.

How to Guarantee Your Club Has a Bright Future

You have a vital job as head of the colts section at your club.

Every club is battling for survival; including yours. Even the finest players have to retire. Without a conveyor belt of youngsters coming through your club will die.

It’s a terrifying responsibility.

The best way to handle the pressure is to keep calm and carry on with these ways to keep your club alive:

Focus on fun

Taking the Hassle Out of Team Organisation: 3 Reasons Why Your Team is Disorganised

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A badly run team is an unsuccessful team. How can you expect to do well when the basics are not covered?

Yet every week there are still last minute drop outs, desperate replacements sought and a host of other ways to scupper you chances before you even walk onto the field.

Here are three of the common headaches:

1. You don’t have time to check who is available

Field Settings: Slow Left Arm Spin, Old Ball, Club Wicket, Limited Over

This article is part of "The complete guide to cricket field settings" series.

Who can resist something for free?

Cricket Show 111: Show 110b for the Superstitious

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 111.mp3
24.7 MB

After a special request this show is numbered 110b because some people think 111 is unlucky. Personally we think its rubbish and nothing can possibly go wrong.

Ask the Readers: Set a Slow Left Arm Field and Win a Prize

I have a problem. With your help I can solve it, so read on and leave a comment in the comments box with your field.

As a little incentive, the best field will win the prize of an online coaching course from our library at PitchVision Academy.

The question is simple:

What is the best field for a slow left arm bowler in a club league match?