Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Is Your Club Being Short Changed By An Overseas Player?

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We’ve all been there as local league cricketers.

You turn up at the opposition ground to be greeted by the sight of the 9ft 9 overseas player sitting listening to his iPod all on his own.

I’ve found this influences team mentality two ways.

You can either resign yourself to the fact that their superstar will open the batting and score a double ton, then after tea decide he wants to open the bowling and hospitalise your top  4.

Cricket Show 133: Coaching to Win (Plus Free Bonus)

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Mark Garaway gets the big fanfare this week as he launches his “Coaching to Win” coach education section on the site, and the podcast is a big part of the action.

We talk about the importance of continuing education for coaches and the DRS at club level.

Gary Palmer returns for the 2nd part of his interview on batting coaching where he talks more about applying his principles from grass-roots to elite levels.

And we answer your questions on pre-match batting drills and trigger moves.

Coach Education: Mark Garaway Sets Up "Coaching to Win" on PitchVision Academy

Mark Garaway, the cricket coaches’ coach, has joined PitchVision Academy to start a brand new section called PV Coach Education: Coaching to Win.

As an experienced coach, Mark is perfectly placed to take control of the specialist section on the site dedicated to helping coaches in their relentless pursuit of excellence.

How a Friendly Cricket Club Taught Me to Coach the England Team

In 1983, I moved to the Isle of Wight.

Ventnor Cricket Club quickly became my second home. At the time they were playing only friendly fixtures.

It was a million miles away from the 21st century England team which I would go on to become Assistant Coach.

Team Roles: Cricket Teams are More Than Bowlers and Batsmen

Selection as I see it isn’t just selecting your best eleven players.

If you want the team to play to their full potential selection needs to be specific to roles; and that goes beyond just whether you excel with bat or ball.

The best sides are never made up of the best eleven cricketers in the club, but are balanced and split into complimenting formulas.

5 Ways to Help the Captain Motivate Your Team

It’s not just the captain’s responsibility to motivate the side when on the field.

He has lots things to be thinking about during the fielding session, so here are 5 ways you can assist him  by taking the job of head cheerleader.

Mindful Encouragement

It is such an obvious place to start, but so many teams don’t do it well.

Many teams have a bit of chat in the field but mostly without meaning.

Mind the Windows Tino: How to Turn Mindless Chatter into Mental Disintegration

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Are you an intelligent effective sledger or simply an abusive unoriginal fool?

We have all come across the person who states the obvious facts about the batsman’s weight, equipment or even their hair style.

Sometimes it’s quite funny. Especially the first time you hear the classic line as the overweight batter walks in, “Watch for the quick singles here.”

But by crossing the line of personal abuse the fielder is wasting his time.

Cricket Show 132: Mark Garaway’s First Show

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If you want someone who has experienced everything in the world of coaching then you need to look no further than Mark Garaway.

Mark joins the show as our latest – and Burners aside, greatest – contributor. He brings a wealth of experience from coaching county cricket, being England analyst, directing performance for Ireland and coaching in the IPL.

And from now on Garas will be answering your questions and discussing coaching news as part of the team.

How Senior Players Can Easily Support Young Blood

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Your club needs young blood to run through its veins.

If you want first team superstars you need people in your club to support youngsters through the lower teams until they develop.

So often it’s left to the dedicated few ex-players who have moved into coaching. Rich clubs can provide decent facilities, but it’s time that is much more valuable than money.

What’s Your Trigger: Turn a Meaningless Fidget into a Laser of Concentration


All of these are words used to describe players who have certain rituals before every ball. But it’s not just meaningless; it’s a crucial aspect of their success.

Whether it’s a batsman fiddling with their pads or a bowler tossing the ball up before they start their run-up, they all use these rituals to score runs and take wickets.