Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Fitness Toolkit: How to Stop Injuries Before They Happen

In the old days if you got an injury you just shrugged, put it down to bad luck and waited for it to heal up.

Some people still do that.

But the clever guys (that's you, because you are reading this) know some things can be headed off at the pass.

You can stop an injury before it happens.

We know this because researchers have looked into the influence of posture on rate of injury. They found that certain postural triggers - the way you hold yourself when moving and still - lead to more injuries.

Cricket Show 172: Going Through the Gears

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David Hinchliffe is joined by Mark Garaway and Burners to discuss cricket from Kohli's run of success to Burner's club experiences.

Topics on the table this week include barefoot trainers, going through the gears as a one-day batsman, high vs. low backlifts (as discussed by Kevin Pietersen in his online coaching course) and the order for shots when coaching young cricketers.

Plus we announce the competition winner and give you Burner's Soapbox and a tale of Micheal Vaughan's public embarrassment.

The Story of Spin: How to be Adaptable with Bat and Ball

The word that sprung to mind watching South Africa’s 2012 win at the Oval against England was 'clinical'.

The one thing that was evident to me was the the South African batters adaption their individual games in order to counteract England’s spin talisman, Graeme Swann. Here are the tactics they used so well, and what the off-spinner could have done to prevent their success.

74 Tips for Senior Club Cricketers

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This guide for senior club cricketers aged over 18 is of a series of introductory guides to PitchVision Academy, for the full list click here.

You are over 18 and playing regular serious non-professional adult cricket. There is a formal league structure and you play against your peers, overseas and semi-pro players. This category also includes serious University cricket below first-class standard.

4 Fixes to Stop You Bowling Full

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Menno Gazendam, author of the popular Spin Bowling Project book, begins a new weekly column on spin bowling. To keep up to date with Menno's advice subscribe to the newsletter. Please welcome Menno to the fold!

As a spinner there are times when you cannot seem to land the ball on the pitch for all money.

The main problem with this (besides that you are probably being hammered around the park), is that the ball cannot spin. And if it does spin, well, then you have become a slow bowler and you cannot call yourself a spinner anymore.

Here are four fixes though:

Cricket Show 171 Competition Winner

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This week’s winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Joe. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

"I have been coaching the bowlers “straight lines”; run up, gather and follow-through towards the target. However I have a talented left arm bowler who bowls over the wicket. To a right hand batters this line take him through the protected danger area. The bowler is finding this frustrating and nows wants to bowl around the wicket in order to keep in straight lines and keep out of the protected area. I have told him that coming around the wicket takes away some of his strengths. I don't want to confuse this boy or send him down the wrong path. So I am hoping you may be able to provide some guidance. "

Listen to the panel’s answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here

Is This One Word Stopping You From Becoming a Cricketer?

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If you had to put cricket into one word, what would you choose?

Some say it's about angles. Others talk about hand-eye coordination, or athleticism. All those things are important but I would choose a different word.

Cricket Show 171: Open the Bag

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The team talk about India's new international season, how to select cricketers based on character, back foot drives and left arm over bowling.

As discussed, here is Gara's famous One leg front foot drive drill.

Plus, listen right to the end for our competition and to find out what Tailender term means; "opening the bag".

Learning from Level IV: How A Coaching Philosophy Will Make You a Better Coach

The most respected coaches are the ones who live and breath what they do.

They have a philosophy which encourages consistency. Player/Coach relationships thrive and grow as a result of the coaches energy, expertise and character.

Most high performance coaches have a simple philosophy that guides them and their coaching to produce results in player development and within competition.

Ryan Maron Batting Tips: Back Foot Defence

This interactive diagram is part of a series from Ryan Maron's Cricket School of Excellence. This time we look at back foot defence. To see Ryan's first tip, click here.

Ryan Maron - the former Western Province player - is one of South Africa’s leading coaches, running his famous Cricket School of Excellence in Cape Town for over 10 years as well as being Head coach of the University of Cape Town.