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PV/VIDEO Weekly Highlights 7: Turn, Bounce and Rip

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Welcome to the PV/VIDEO Digest, your highlights summary of the weeks best videos from PitchVision Interactive

You can share these videos by email or onto facebook, and post your comments right here: From serious analysis to Friday fun. Here are the top videos uploaded from PitchVision systems around the world this week.

Cricket Show S4 Episode 28: Yes Times Six!

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 221.mp3
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With Stuart Broad and sportsmanship in the news, the team discuss walking, the spirit of cricket and the implications for all levels of the game.

Plus there is cricket coaching chat about reverse swing (even if you don't bowl at high speed) and ways to groove technique when you only have net sessions. Plus we interview Neil Carter formerly of Warwickshire, now at Bishop School in Cape Town.

Join in with the show by downloading, listening and sending your feedback!

Coaching the Ashes: Use 4th Inning Test Skills to Win Your Matches

What an epic 1st Test Match in the 2013 Ashes.

What an epic final innings.

As a coach, I couldn't help noticing how many of the skills and tactics of the match could be utilised by all teams at some stage in the coming weeks. Here are the lessons from that Test match that you can take into your next match:

Are You Sabotaging Your Chances of Getting Swing?

The sun beats down on a warm afternoon and you are in the middle of an opening spell. The ball is new, the pitch is firm and the batters have set their jaws to dig in hard.

You are desperate to find that bit of swing to make all the difference to your attack.

The call goes up for which side needs shining from the senior player at gully, "look after the dragon, guys" he insists, before rubbing the side of the ball imprinted with a golden dragon on the dark red leather.

The Deceptive Simplicity of Experience, or Why You Don't Need "Coaching Tips"

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Last night I wandered along to my local team's under 12 match. I wasn't coaching but the sun was shining and the boys were keen as mustard so I chatted with the parents on the boundary.

One boy was playing in his first ever competitive game and was keen to keep wicket. While he was padding up, one of the Dads said to me, "come on then, you know your stuff, what tips can you give the lad?"

I thought for a brief moment.

"Catch it."

Cricket Show 220: Competition Winner

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This week's winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Regan. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

" Could you give me some advice on how to eliminate a big vertical jump in my bowling stride? Instead of jumping forwards I seem to be jumping to high and losing all my momentum from the run up so I was just wondering if you have any tips to fix this problem?"

Listen to the panels answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here.

How to Make the Leap to Higher Standard Cricket

Moving up to a higher standard is difficult.

You only have to look at the trail of failed professional cricketers who were tried and discarded at International level. But it's equally true of the level I coach at the moment. Boys have to move from 20 over soft ball pairs cricket to 40 over hard ball "real" cricket.

So whatever level you play, there is always a standard to jump up. How do you do it?

Cricket Show S4 Episode 27: Becoming Left Handed

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 220.mp3
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Mark Garaway and David Hinchliffe discuss planning in coaching, vertical jumps in bowlers and switching to batting left handed. It's not as crazy as you think!

Plus we catch up with Matthew Dawson of The Cricket Asylum.

The Slip Fielding Science Lab: Experiment to Get Better Catching

I want you to look at a couple of pictures.

The first is Dennis Lillee in his pomp. 9 slip fielders in a range of 'ready positions'. Some are crouched low and others more upright, ready for the edge.

The second is 4 slip fielders all in similar ready positions: Lots of knee flexion and hands low in a keeper-like position.

Ask the Readers: Help Jack Improve his Bowling Action

Can you help a young spin bowler to improve?

Recently we were contacted by Jack who said:

"This season I've returned to leg spin. Occasionally I get criticised by our captain as I'm not "finishing off my action". I know that when I do, I get drift and dip, and take wickets. Could you have a quick look at my action in the attached video and see if you have any thoughts?"

This question was interesting to me because Jack didn't point out any problems he is having. Only a vague awareness that something might be wrong.

So I thought this would be an excellent challenge for the PitchVision community to discuss.

What can Jack do to improve his action?