Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Cricket Basic 120 (Batting): Walk Off With Your Head Up

120. When you are dismissed, walk off with your head up no matter what happened. It is cricket and not a place for a primmadonna. Show your disappointment by working harder at training not throwing your gear in the change room.

How to Adapt to the 4 Types of Attacking Batsmen

Sometimes your bowling spell doesn't go to plan and the batsman is the one on the attack.

Now it's time to adapt our plan to take into account how and where the batsman is hitting the ball.

One option is to move a fielder or two around to cut off his favourite shot, and try and force him to play a shot he isn't so comfortable with. This will often lead to his dismissal.

How to Plan a Spin Bowling Spell

Good spinners are like chess grandmasters. You probe your opponent for weaknesses and plan ahead while staying focused on the next move.

Cricket Basic 119 (Batting): You Are Out - Walk Straight Off

119. Walk off immediately when you are out, always ignoring any ‘send off’ you get, no matter how unwarranted.

Are You Inspiring Young Cricketers With the Twenty20 Revolution?

Today’s article is a guest post from Darren Talbot; Professional coach, Managing Director of Darren Talbot Cricket Coaching and founder committee member of the Surrey ECB Coaches Association.

Twenty20 has undoubtedly transformed cricket over the past few years. Its effects can be seen in club cricket too.

Why Hating a Tin Can Will Make You a Better Death Bowler

I keep an empty tin can in my cricket bag. I hate it but I keep it in there all the same.

Having that can makes me thrilled and terrified to be a death bowler; to find out why I need to tell you a story.

Two seasons ago I was my team’s reluctant death bowler. Frankly, I was poor. Despite leaking runs we didn’t have a good bowler to take my place. My team were stuck with me. I would stand at the top of my mark in the last few over dreading how my figures would look.

Cricket Show 108: How to Bosh It

PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 108.mp3
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Are Your Knees Killing Your Cricket?

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Cricket hurts.

I’m not talking about a fast bowler putting one into your ribs, or even turning an ankle over. That can happen at any age.

I’m talking about the chronic build up of aches and pains of a career. The ones where you get up in the morning and think:

“Man, I hurt so bad, surely no game is worth this much pain”.

If you are cricket tragic you put up with it.

Is Laptop Coaching Taking the Drama Out of Cricket?

A new phrase is creeping in to cricket: Laptop coaching. And it’s not seen as a good thing.

It’s all pervasive in professional cricket: Analysts record every ball of matches and coaches pour over the stats looking for trends. Innings and bowling spells are recorded and catalogued for later analysis. Critics say the approach is responsible for creating robotic cricketers with no life skills beyond the ability to ‘hit the right areas’.

Fielding Drills: Double Underarm Race

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This drill is part of the PitchVision Academy fielding drills series, for more in this series click here.

Purpose: Practice the underarm pickup and throw in a pressure situation.
