Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

The Newcomer’s Guide to PitchVision Academy

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It doesn’t matter what level you play, if you are new to PitchVision Academy it’s an intimidating place. There are over 10 books worth of articles, in excess of 8 DVDs of video and more than 60 CDs of audio; all dedicated to cricket coaching and playing.

Where do you begin if you are at the start of your journey?

Not every bit of content will resonate with your personal situation. You need a filter. This article aims to help you by pointing you to the important content first.

The Pickup Cricketer’s Guide to PitchVision Academy

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This is part of a series of introductory guides to PitchVision Academy, for the full list click here.

Most cricket is played for fun. Yes, there are many leagues and professional teams, but at the grass-roots there are millions all over the world who just use cricket as a way to stay active and enjoy a good afternoon or evening.

Cricket Show 160 Fast Bowling and the Batting Simulator

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The team discuss the implications of the PitchVision CRC Batting Simulator this week. Burners talks us through who can use the technology from fun to functional and Mark Garaway takes the coaches’ perspective.

The rest of the show is focused on fast bowling with questions on mental strength and correcting a bowler who bowls off the wrong foot (or not). This week’s Tailender also has a shocking revelation about a current England International bowler: not to be missed!

Yes, Yes, Yes: How to Effectively Assess Each Shot

I don't know about you, but I work with a number of talented players who are prone to overanalysing their technique and outcomes when they are batting.

 I even did this myself!

 The result is that their over-analytical findings impede their ability to learn from the previous ball or shot yet also be focused and ready to play the next ball to the best of their ability.

Learn to Bowl Faster from the Stars: Ashok Dinda

Ashok Dinda’s reputation is rising. He has played for India, takes wickets for fun in the IPL - despite being in a team of International stars - and has been endorsed by no less than Allan Donald.

He may not have a perfect bowling action, but he is certainly successful as a fast bowler. He can keep speeds up near 145kph and can swing the new ball. What is it you can learn from a player like this?

I put it down to two key elements. One is technical, the other is mental.

Cricket Show 159 Competition Winner

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This week’s winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Brenden. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

"For a junior cricketer, or any cricketer actually, which is most important: Technique, tactical awareness or strength and conditioning?"

Listen to the panel’s answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here

Don’t Do These 5 Things When Bowling Fast

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PitchVision Academy has a ton of advice on how to bowl faster, but what if you are still getting it wrong? What if you still are not searing the ball down to the other end and scaring opposition batsmen?

In times like this it’s often the case that you are better off learning what NOT to do. So with that in mind, here are the 5 most common mistakes fast bowler’s make when learning the art:

PitchVision CRC Launches the World's First Full Cricket Simulator

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Cricket nets have an inherent problem; you don’t know how far the ball has been hit or whether it would have cleared the field. That is until now; because cutting -edge cricket technology now allows you to use net space for realistic training and entertainment.

As some of you may know, the PitchVision Cricket Research Centre in Dehradun, India is a state-of-the-art test facility for cricket equipment. It includes high speed cameras, laser locators, PitchVision sensors, a huge overhead projection screen and a test team of 12 that specialise in recording and validating performance data for cricket.

How to Bowl Fast when you are Already Strong

Recently we had a question posted on PitchVision Academy asking this:

“I am trying to increase the speed of my bowling. I am already a keen gym goer and quite strong. I bench 150kg, deadlift 180kg and squat  170kg. So what can I do now to become faster?”

It’s a great question because, as we already know, strength is a crucial element in bowling fast.

But it’s certainly not the only aspect.

Cricket Show 159: Lessons from Yusuf Pathan and Research from Karl Stevenson

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The team get back together to discuss Irfan Pathan’s poor IPL form, and how to manage impact players (or in lower level cricket; the slogger).

Karl Stevenson, a sports psychologist who specialises in skill development, joins the show on the phone to talk about modern, practical ways to use cutting-edge research at your next net session. Plus your questions are answered on getting noticed by selectors and the importance of technique compared to tactical nous, fitness and mental strength.

Finally, listen to the end for Burner’s Tailender!