Cricket coaching, fitness and tips | PitchVision Academy

Laws of cricket: Run out with an elbow?

This edition of Laws of Cricket, in association with the International Institute of Cricket Umpiring and Scoring, covers some more tricky questions of the Laws.

Why are bowlers not getting faster?

Fast bowling is the only area in sport that is not getting better.
Usain Bold smashed the world 100m record and while waving and almost moonwalking across the line. Marathon runners are closing in on a sub-two hour mark. 
We are faster, higher and stronger.
But where are the truly fast bowlers?
Despite obvious improvements in batting and fielding, fast bowling lags behind.

Cricket Basic Number 97 (Batting): Get Back Against Pace

97. When batting against fast bowlers or on bouncy pitches be prepared to go back and across by default to balls that could be played of either the front or back foot.

No regrets: How attacking captaincy breeds confident cricket

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Someone once said the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.

That's certainly true when it comes to captaincy, as Mike Brearley told PitchVision Academy when he noticed a mistake the Bangladesh captain would go on to regret.

PitchVision Allows Club Cricketers to Bowl to Michael Vaughan with Natwest Pro Bowling

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Innovative PitchVision cricket technology is the secret behind Natwest Cricket's Pro Bowling game touring the UK at One Day Internationals this summer. The game not only scores each ball according to pace, line and length it also allows you to see how your deliveries compare to others and how Michael Vaughan would have played them.

Up the anti: Why you need to forget core training for cricket

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Core training is dead.

Ask any power lifter. They don't bother training the core.

Why would you when squatting and deadlifting movements give you abs like iron anyway?

And cricketers can learn from this idea.

The fact is that lower back injuries in cricket happen because the spine is moving too much. The fast bowler with a mixed action has a lot of rotation at the spine and over time this leads to pain and stress fractures.

Cricket Show 86: Notes from the first team

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Show 086.mp3
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PitchVision Academy Cricket Show

David talks about his experiences moving up a level last week while Kevin looks on in awe (at least we think that face is awe). Listen to the show to find out how things went in the first team.

Plus we answer your questions based around fitness issues this week, including:

How to bat in the middle order

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Is there really much difference in batting approach between number 4 and number 7?

There certainly is, and if you get the wrong person in the wrong place in the order it will end up costing you games.

For example, at my own club the 1st XI has a strong batting line-up with players capable of scoring runs quickly right down the order to number 9.

Test your field settings knowledge with this quick quiz

Every schoolboy cricketer worth his salt makes sure he learns the names of all the fielding positions with a torch under the covers after lights out.

But just like the alphabet, knowing the letters is only the start. If you want to be able to write you have to know how to use the letters to make words and sentences and paragraphs.

In the same way, if you want to know field settings you have to know when to use positions. Field settings are the

Cricket Basic Number 96 (Batting): Better an LBW Shout than Stumped or Bowled

96. When playing the sweep shot make sure the ball hits your pad if you miss. Don’t get bowled or stumped around your legs.