New: PitchVision 3.2 Software Released | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

New: PitchVision 3.2 Software Released

The new version of PitchVison Coach Edition Software is out now!

Things looks slightly different due to our enhanced HD report graphics but most of the updates have been done under the bonnet to make your life easier.

What's new: - HD reports - Video: upload uncompressed videos, as well as compressed videos - Video: new video capture & playback system - New video scrubber (Pause / start / stop) - Synchronized video playback - Auto remember cameras - General bug fixes

Easy Quick Start Tabs

Select to quickly create "NEW PLAYERS" - "SESSIONS" - "VENUES"

Screen Play Controls

The screen display controls are now positioned in the centre of the screen. When you skip back deliveries the play ‘>’ logo will be displayed and the screen display controls will be in a "paused" screen status. To bring back to the most recent clip click the play ‘>’ icon.

New Video Analysis Tools

To use drawing tools on the snapshot, select the required drawing tool. You can select by colour for different points of the snapshot you are reviewing.


To check the connection status of the hardware click the ‘Health check’ ambulance symbol.


The report icons can now be dragged and dropped into place from the right hand side of the application, to free up some more space for your analysis.


The dashboard icons can now be accessed by selecting the tab in the bottom right which alternates between "reports" and "dashboards" dependent on what's selected.

PVC updates are free. They’re available to download automatically when your system is connected to the Internet the moment they're released. So don't miss out on these new features and download today. Remember to please click 'Yes' to driver installation and updates.

​We hope you enjoy the latest release of the software. Should you have any comments or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us: / +44 (0)7984077657

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