Some miCoach housekeeping | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Some miCoach housekeeping

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I want to take a break from new articles for a moment to give you a general update on how everything is going since miCoach was born.

  • The new site has settled in well and the number of new subscribers has almost doubled. It took over 2 years for the first 1,500 and less than two months for the next 1,500. If you are a new subscriber, welcome. If you have been reading for a while, thanks!
  • That said, feel free to tell your team mates about the site. The more the merrier, right?
  • You may have noticed a regular weekly cricket show that available for you to download. Although I missed a show, I'll continue to do this for you as long as I can find willing people to interview. If you have any suggestions please let me know.
  • The show is in need of a co-host. If you would like to be considered drop me an email. I'm looking for someone with about an hour a week to spare on the phone (I'll call you) and a love of playing cricket. If you are a coach all the better but it's not vital.
  • The forum is up and running and you can join the conversation. I check it every day so if you have a question or comment please feel free to post it.
  • I'm also still looking for feedback on my online coach section. You can win a free membership so it's worth taking 10 minutes to fill in the form.
  • There is some top secret stuff coming up in the next couple of months. Stay tuned to find out what happens next in the miCoach story.

As always, your feedback, questions, comments, ideas and rants are welcome. This site is for you and as long as I know I am helping you play better cricket I'll keep producing new content for you.

Thanks for reading and listening!

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