CRICKET JOBS: Coaching and Development Officer - Canterbury Country Cricket Association (NZ) | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

CRICKET JOBS: Coaching and Development Officer - Canterbury Country Cricket Association (NZ)

Filed in:

Closing date: 22nd April 2016

Canterbury Country Cricket is seeking applications for the position of Coaching and Development Officer to assist with the development of Representative, Club, Secondary School and Primary School Cricket in the Canterbury Country district. The position presents an exciting opportunity for a suitably qualified candidate to assist growing participation and enjoyment of cricket. The role requires leadership, organizational skills, communication skills and the ability to relate to and enthuse all stakeholders in the game.

The position is based at the Canterbury Country Cricket Head Office, Mainpower Oval, Rangiora and will work within the Canterbury Country district. The position will report to the Cricket Manager of Canterbury Country Cricket Association.

Key tasks will include:

  • To promote the game at Club, Secondary School and Primary School levels
  • To implement and expand Canterbury Country Cricket’s development initiatives
  • To increase participation levels among players, administrators and volunteers
  • To manage the transition of players from primary schools to secondary schools and from secondary schools to clubs
  • Provide all junior and youth rep players with development opportunities in well-structured academies and programs.

A detailed Position Description is available on the Canterbury Country Cricket website or by contacting the Executive Director, Peter Devlin on or 03 313 6300. Applications in writing or email are required by 5:00pm on Friday 22 April 2016.

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