Fitness | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

7 Ways to prevent cricket injuries

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Injuries are popular. Well, they are if the posts on the simply cricket forum are anything to go by.

Unlike our resident Physical Therapist Liz Ward, I'm no expert on recovery from injury but I do know how to help prevent it in the first place.

That has to be better (No offence Liz).

It's probably the last thing you think of when you are fit, but a bit of planning and some luck could see you through the summer with no niggles. And that means lots of cricket.

Ed Smith on cricket fitness

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Ed SmithIt's great finding professional players talking about the importance of fitness to cricket. Ed Smith of Middlesex puts his views in On and Off the Field:

"Physical conditioning is one of the few areas of cricket preparation which qualify as a science. It can help. So listen to the fitness coaches, definitely. But as you listen, always ask yourself this question, 'How will this make me a better cricketer?'"

Speed Agility Training Drills

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Try these activities some time! Good for just about any sport!

Speed Warm Up Drills #2



An equally good set of warm-up activities!



Speed Warm Up Drills #1


A fantastic dynamic warm-up! Pasrticularlly if you are doing a session where you are working at bowling run-ups! Very deliberate and well organised sequence of warm-up activities.


Agility Drill: 'Ladder Drill' for Cricket


Adapted from Football training - great for bowlers and batsmen alike!



Learn from Mike: The secret of getting the most from your training is right in front of you

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Mike is a cricketer with a problem. He feels like he is working hard but not improving.

Sure, Mike is doing everything he can. He trains in the gym regularly, never misses a club training session and always turns up early on match day for warm ups and fielding drills.

In frustration he heads online for help. What he doesn't realise is that as soon as he sits in front of PC he has a perfect tool to get more from his training: A training log

How kickboxers and motorbikes can help improve your cricket

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motorcross.jpgTo put words in the mouth of renown strength coach Alwyn Cosgrove: If you know what similarity your cricket has with martial arts and motorcross you might help make yourself a better player.

The answer is that all three sports suffer from build up of lactic acid, the pesky stuff that make your muscles burn and tires you out. Alwyn explains:

How to improve your cricket in the winter

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In the UK summertime is officially over. For most club players with the passing of BST and the falling of leaves go thoughts of cricket until spring.

That's a mistake. The winter is a great time to make big strides in your strength, endurance, power, speed and even technique.

With only indoor cricket to satisfy your itch for the game, you can focus on building up a base of fitness and skill from which you can rise to the peak when summer comes around.