Drills | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

How to Use the "Simpson Drill" to Teach Throwing Skills

Last weekend I headed up a great group of cricket coaches at Sportsfest 2013 in the grounds of Wormsley Estate.

I was working with a group on throwing and they were struggling with both their alignments and also to understand my instruction.

Cricket Show S4 Episode 30: Drill, drills, drills

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It's a bit of a drills special on the Cricket Show, with the team of Mark Garaway and David Hinchliffe discussing how to evaluate a drill before and after you have used it.

The panel also look at ways to stop shuffling across the crease, and drills to improve fast bowling (especially against bowling in nets). While David gets on his soapbox about draw cricket.

Download the show to your phone, or listen right here in the browser. Half an hour of a cricket party with Garas!

Save the Planet, Improve a Batsman: Recycled Batting Drill

This week I have been lucky enough have interviewed 32 excellent coaches who are all vying for ECB Level IV spots.

An innovative idea popped up twice that I reckon could be of use to batsmen who have not found a way - as yet - of freeing the swing of the bat and as a result, struggle to hit with real power.

This drill is a bag of tricks!

3 Reasons Indian Cricket Proves Fielding is the New Match-Winning Skill Set

In the Champions Trophy, India out-fielded South Africa to victory.

It wasn't the only reason for the win, but it was enough for the sages to comment on the difference. What was going on?

How to Coach Single Awareness in 4 Simple Steps

Often we concentrate on the boundaries and pay scant regard to singles and developing the art of running between the wickets.

One of the reasons for this is the reliance on standardised nets to develop batting technique rather than incorporating innovative practice and facilitating brilliant cricket discussions to build run scoring awareness.

Buy Nathan Bracken's Swing Bowling Masterclass on PitchVision Academy

I'm delighted to announce that the online Swing Bowling Masterclass courses are now open to purchase, exclusively on PitchVision Academy.

As you know, a few weeks ago we announced that Nathan Bracken was producing his first ever online coaching courses. And since then excitement has built up around the things you can learn from the Aussie international.

Coach Your Keepers to Become Standing Back Legends

There are hundreds of keeping drills for standing up to the stumps. However, outside of the professional game, I see little evidence of keepers being asked to develop their capacity when standing back.

So lets address this now!

Get More Run Outs With This "Non-Throwing Side" Technique

Most run outs in club cricket come from balls hit to fielders on their throwing arm side, but how good are you at completing run outs when the ball goes to your non-throwing side?

There are two methods to hitting the stumps when the ball goes to your non-throwing hand side. In this article we are going to look at the one that fits the ball being dropped for a single slightly infront of the fielder.

Speed is the key

Gym to Nets: Structure of A Fast Bowling Net Session

This is a guest article from fast bowling and strength coach Steffan Jones.

Here is how I set out a bowling session when I am coaching bowlers to get really fast. Unlike most coaches, I have learned to combine skill work with strength work to get the most from your action.

Every session follows the same routine from low intensity warm up drills to high intensity medicine ball throws or weighted ball bowling.

Different Practice: How 3 Indian Batsmen Approach Drills

We live in a time where we know that cricket is different for everyone. There used to be a template, but the more we understand about people, the more we realise everyone's approach needs to be individual.

Take 3 Indian batting heroes: Gambhir, Dravid and Kohli.

Each have had success by doing it their own way rather than taking to same approach every time.

You only need to see how they practice to discover the difference. Here are the ways that these batsman look at a net session: