Cricket | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Is it Worth Learning These New Fangled Shots?

One of the common tropes of modern cricket is that batsmen have a wider range of shots than ever. While it may be a cliche for commentators to throw out when they have nothing to say, it's also true.

So do you need to learn them; or if you coach do you need to spend time coaching them?

Lets look at each new shot in turn and decide.

Cricket Show 222: Competition Winner

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This week's winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Ramesh. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

"I have started fielding as a regular slip fielder in my club team. It's been a month & a half and I feel lower back pain when I take the ready position which affects my concentration. Can you give me some exercises which I can use as a prehabilitation tool to finish the back pain?"

Listen to the panels answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here.

How to Bowl Spin on Batting Tracks

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Menno Gazendam is author of Spin Bowling Project. Get your free 8 week spin bowling course here

This is not an issue that should bother amateur bowlers too much. Pitches generally turn, as they should.

Professionals though all play on interstate highways that are meant to cater for the batter. We will not get into that debate now. It’s just a fact.

What has happened though is that modern spinners have started developing skills to cope with non-turning pitches (and big bats and hitters). They had to do it otherwise no one would pick spinners. That is not the case as spinners have constantly been under the top bowlers in the IPL (which is a scary place for bowlers).

So, what skills can you learn from professional spin bowlers that bowl on batting paradises that do not spin? What do they do when the ball turns less?

PV/VIDEO Weekly Highlights 8: Twenty20 Generation

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Welcome to the PV/VIDEO Digest, your highlights summary of the weeks best videos from PitchVision Interactive

You can share these videos by email or onto facebook, and post your comments right here: From serious analysis to Friday fun. Here are the top 5 videos uploaded from PitchVision systems around the world this week.


Cricket Show S4 Episode 29: Preventing Back Pain

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 222.mp3
23.26 MB

It's common to blame Twenty20 for batsmen who can't play long innings (Australians especially), but is it true and how do you overcome the issue? We examine the facts on the show this week.

Turns out it's not as simple as blaming cross bat slogging. Who knew?

Plus, questions are answered on pain with week. One bowler and one slip fielder, both with back issues that Mark Garaway and David Hinchliffe discuss on the show.

Save the Planet, Improve a Batsman: Recycled Batting Drill

This week I have been lucky enough have interviewed 32 excellent coaches who are all vying for ECB Level IV spots.

An innovative idea popped up twice that I reckon could be of use to batsmen who have not found a way - as yet - of freeing the swing of the bat and as a result, struggle to hit with real power.

This drill is a bag of tricks!

What Type of Fast Bowler Are You?

This is a guest article from Steffan Jones

As you already know, there is no one type of fast bowler, but they all have one thing in common: all fast bowlers want to bowl faster.

So although the goal is the same, the way to reach that goal varies depending on the type of bowler. Training the right way for your type makes a huge difference to your performance.

When it comes to training there are 3 types of bowler:

If You Don't Stretch, You're Not a Cricketer

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This is a guest article by Dr Laurence Houghton.

During the last decade there has been a shift in cricket fitness that has seen the end of static stretching in warm-ups. Nowadays it's all about "dynamic" stretching. This is a great development but it’s a concern that this trend encourages cricketers to entirely remove static stretching from their routine. The aim of this article is to argue otherwise!

Cricket Show 221: Competition Winner

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This week's winner of the Cricket Show podcast question competition is Phillip. He wins a free coaching course from PitchVision Academy.

The winning question was:

"What speed is required to achieve reverse swing? And what other requirements are there for reverse swing to happen?"

Listen to the panels answer to his question here.

To enter your own question for the chance to win your choice of online coaching course send your questions in here.

How to Plot a Stumping

Menno Gazendam is author of Spin Bowling Project. Get your free 8 week spin bowling course here

Stumping is a way you can get one up on your quick buddies. It's an extra dismissal type that quick bowlers do not have access.

The things about stumpings are that many spin bowlers do not plan for it. They simply see it as something that happens when the batsmen charges them and misses the ball.

While I do love the fact when a batsman looks silly after charging me and getting stumped you do not have to wait for moments like this to get them stumped.