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PV/VIDEO Weekly Highlights: Just Another Day Hitting the Sticks

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Welcome to the PV/VIDEO Digest, your highlights summary of the weeks best videos from PitchVision Interactive

You can share these videos by email or onto facebook, and post your comments right here: From serious analysis to Friday fun. Here are the top videos uploaded from PitchVision systems around the world this week.

Cricket Show S6 Episode 21: The Limpet Leaves Us

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 312.mp3
27.16 MB

Shiv Chanderpaul has been dropped from the West Indies Test team. So, the PitchVision Academy team of Mark Garaway, Sam Lavery and David Hinchliffe talk about the crabby left hander's legacy on cricket technique.

Plus, there are the usual couple of cricket coaching questions. This week we talk about maintaining spin throughout a bowling spell. You can get some exercises here. Then the team talk seam bowling by explaining how you can hit the seam more and nip it about.

Listen to the show for all the cricket coaching fun.

Quick Tip: "I Got Nothing Out of My Session"

You can always get something from training, even the worst session ever.

Take the example of having to face poor bowling in nets. It's common at club level to see below par bowlers spraying the ball around and wasting top batsmen's time. The batter has every right to think the session is wasted.

How to Defeat Low Confidence After A Horrifying Start to the Cricket Season

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The worst has happened: You have got off to a horrifying start to the season. Your early hopes have been shattered. Your confidence is shot. Runs and wickets are a mere distant memory.

Bad form at the start of the season is always horrible because you feel you have no point of reference. Without a good performance to your name this season you start to feel like the purple patch is gone for good.

Maybe this year is the year you lost it?

This is the problem my team's batting unit have had since the season began four weeks ago. None of the top six have scored a fifty in 30 one day digs. Like you, we are deep into the land of doubt. Can it even be done any more, or are we resigned to just being so rubbish we can't compete?

This is the classic issue of lost confidence: Players who have performed before who can't repeat it.

So before you throw in the towel, show some grit, dig in and rebuild your game.

One Percenters: Unusual Cricket Training Tricks That Actually Work

Go to a cricket training session anywhere in the world and you will see the usual things: Batting, bowling and fielding. All very sensible.

But if you want the edge - if you want a chance at making it as a cricketer - you need to do more than the basics really well. You need an edge. You need to spend time on some of the following things.

The criteria is simple; the following seven training tricks are not directly related to cricket, but all have been proven to enhance your game. All you have to do is try them for a few weeks. If each one boosts your run scoring and wicket taking by just 1% then you will be 5% better in two or three weeks. That's an awesome return on your investment.

So let's get started!

Help with Cricket Research with This Short Survey

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If you are a cricket coach, researcher Habib Noorbhai at he Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town, South Africa is asking for your views.

"Play with a straight bat."

Everyone who has played cricket has heard this advice: Your bat is lifted back towards the stumps with the elbow up, pointing in the direction of the ball.

Or is it?

PV/VIDEO Weekly Highlights: One Hand Batting Drill

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Welcome to the PV/VIDEO Digest, your highlights summary of the weeks best videos from PitchVision Interactive

You can share these videos by email or onto facebook, and post your comments right here: From serious analysis to Friday fun. Here are the top videos uploaded from PitchVision systems around the world this week.

Cricket Show S6 Episode 20: He Never Played First-Class

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PitchVision Academy - PitchVision Academy Cricket Show 311.mp3
28.29 MB

It's often assumed that to be a good coach you have to have playing experience at that level. the team of David Hinchliffe, Makr Garaway and Sam Lavery discuss how important it is to be a first-class player to be a first class coach.

Plus, there are questions about improving your play outside off stump, and a a finisher who is working on the ramp shot and is having a problem. What advice will the team have for the youngster?

Listen to the show for half an hour of cricket fun.

Let's Stop Being Afraid of the Bowling Action and Start Getting Better

Let's all stop being afraid of bowling actions.

Coaches are increasingly afraid of coaching because of a culture of fear in cricket. Bowlers live in terror of ruining their natural action.

I argue we are all wasting a chance to improve both pace and accuracy. We just need to shake off the fear. You can see it in the media. In this article about James Harris we are told,

Graham Gooch on Batting with Confidence

Confidence is slippery. You want it but how do you stop all those negative thoughts? In this video Graham Gooch shares his methods for breaking through doubt and walking to the crease with confidence:

If you can't see the video above, click here.