Coaching | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Transition: How to Get Over Post-Season Blues

The Northern hemisphere season is coming to a close and I return to Millfield School this week to start the individual 12 month programmes with our County, Regional and International players.

In the main, the players will be kept out of the nets for the first 5 weeks, despite the fact that some will be kicking and screaming about it!

Quickfire Analyst: How to Use your Phone to Analyse Bowling Actions

We often talk about video analysis of bowling actions and the importance of building your understanding and awareness of your bowling action as you look to develop and improve.

Lots of people use video analysis, some do it well and others miss opportunities. The reason? Footage from poor angles.

Here is my guide to filming bowling actions on your mobile phone.

Is it Worth Learning These New Fangled Shots?

One of the common tropes of modern cricket is that batsmen have a wider range of shots than ever. While it may be a cliche for commentators to throw out when they have nothing to say, it's also true.

So do you need to learn them; or if you coach do you need to spend time coaching them?

Lets look at each new shot in turn and decide.

Save the Planet, Improve a Batsman: Recycled Batting Drill

This week I have been lucky enough have interviewed 32 excellent coaches who are all vying for ECB Level IV spots.

An innovative idea popped up twice that I reckon could be of use to batsmen who have not found a way - as yet - of freeing the swing of the bat and as a result, struggle to hit with real power.

This drill is a bag of tricks!

The Slip Fielding Science Lab: Experiment to Get Better Catching

I want you to look at a couple of pictures.

The first is Dennis Lillee in his pomp. 9 slip fielders in a range of 'ready positions'. Some are crouched low and others more upright, ready for the edge.

The second is 4 slip fielders all in similar ready positions: Lots of knee flexion and hands low in a keeper-like position.

Bowling Machines are Like Marmite

I have a confession. I hated bowling machines as a player. I wasn't alone. Yet others loved the same thing. It really is the Marmite of cricket practice.

I found it really difficult to get the timings of my movements right and often found myself rushed and off balance at point of contact. It became very frustrating when others were enjoying every bowling machine session.

Old School Coaching vs. New School Coaching: Which is Best?

Filed in:

Let's talk about "old school" coaching.

What's that?

It's high on my mind recently because of the appointment of Darren Lehmann to the Australian coach position. He has been sold in the media as the "non nonsense, straight talking" option. He's not about powerpoint presentations, an injury potential matrix or any other modern coaching term. In other words, he is old school.

A lot of people are screaming in celebration that common sense has returned to coaching.

Me, I'm not so sure.

Engage Autopilot: Coaching Stress Management in the Cauldron of Battle

The 2013 ICC Champions Trophy Final gave us a perfect insight into the impact that stress can have on performance and ultimately, the outcome of key matches.

The "New England" Method to Pull Off Blinding Catches

We all know that catches win matches, yet there is one type of catching opportunity that is being taken in the upper echelons of the game that isn't transferred down the playing levels.

It's when a player dives forward to take a blinder.

The Curse of Injury, and The Opportunity it Brings

It's can be a coaches' worst nightmare to lose the teams best player or captain ahead of a crucial match.

Australia are not the only team to suffer a crucial injury leading into a high profile series.