Batting | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Batting Drill from Graham Gooch

This video is from the Graham Gooch Runmaker onine coaching course videos available on PitchVision Academy. For more details, click here.

Graham Gooch has coached a lot of players to batting success. He has a compleet system that locks together to create runmakers. This video is an example of just one of the simple drills he uses in runmaking.

Don't be deceived by the simplicity of this drill. There are a number of benefits to grooving this shot, even for professional batsmen like Graham Napier (who is pictured doing the drill). The obvious thought is to lock in good technique, but it is also good for developing balance and footwork dynamically. Plus, for players looking to work on bat speed, the movement towards the ball encourages a higher backlift and faster downswing to really make the ball fly.

Here is the drill:

Study Finds Bat Speed As Important As Batting Technique

PitchVision Academy has seen a new study that reveals the importance of bat speed on the success of your performance as a batsman. If true, this could change the way you train.

The study - undertaken by friend of PitchVision, James Hughes - compared the bat speed of players at different levels of ability. For accuracy he used a 3D motion tracker. The results after a lot of testing were clear:

Better batsmen always had faster bat speed.

Graham Gooch on Coaching Batting Technique

This article is an exerpt from the Graham Gooch Runmaker eBook available on PitchVision Academy. For more details, click here.

I want to talk a little about working on technique with a batsman, one to one.

Develop Your Very Own "Runmakers" with England's Greatest Run-Machine: Graham Gooch

PitchVision Academy are delighted to announce today England record-breaker and batting coach Graham Gooch is sharing his knowledge by joining the online coaching panel.

Click here for full details.

Batting Technique: Who Knows More, Players or Coaches?

CCM Academy Director and former first-class cricketer Gary Palmer has some thoughts on how cricketers can learn perfect batting technique.

Coaches spend time and money on courses to learn about technique.

Coaches know more than players, so they need to exercise knowledge on what they have learned so the players can benefit. Otherwise what are we doing?

Graphic: What Age Can You Learn New Cricket Skills?

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Here's a simple graphic that shows you the recommended age to teach or learn batting skills.

It's a question we are often asked to consider here at PitchVision Academy, so here is your answer. Now, bear in mind that young players develop at different speeds, so these are guidelines rather than fixed points. That said, you can easily see at a glance where you should be for your age, and if you have any areas you can bring up to speed.

If you are a coach, you can use it as a rough guide for your players.

Here's that graphic (click to enlarge):

What Can "Crossy Road" Teach You About your Batting?

Round here, Christmas is a time for families and presents rather than fours and wickets. The festive period gave me more time to do some things I wouldn't normally try.

And I got slightly obsessed with a game called Crossy Road. The game is simple: You try and get your character across an endless road and get a point for every move forward. Being the badger that I am, I realised it's teaching something about cricket.

Crossy Road is a lot like batting. You the longer you play the more you score but if you make just one mistake your game is over and you go back to zero next time. So, how you respond to the frustrations of this game will tell you a lot about your mental make up with the bat.

5 Cricket Lessons Taught by Dhoni Before he Retired

Dhoni has quit Test cricket, and has left behind a rich history of entertainment for millions. He has also taught us a lesson or two along the way.

As tribute, here are some of PitchVision Academy's favourite articles about the wicketkeeper who lead by example with bat, gloves and sometimes even ball:

Make Cricket Practice Constructive with this Boxing Drill

This is a guest article from Matt Thompson, Cricket Performance Director at Cardiff Metropolitan University. For more of Matt's work, find him on twitter and read his blog.

Picture the scene. It's time for training. You, as a batsman, have your regular opportunity for a constructive practice session with your coach or fellow team mates. Before you put your pads on, consider what does constructive actually mean? What does it look like for you?

Too many times at club, academy and university level, "constructive" takes the form of the batsman playing a glorious array of inappropriate shots without a game context in mind, inevitably squandering their wicket on a host of occasions.

I would be lying if I said I’ve never had one of these before myself as a player!

That is not constructive. So what is? Following on from David's article on having clear goals at open nets, here is one example of what "constructive" looks like.

Is it Time to Stop Inexperienced Bowling Machine Feeders Delivering Short Balls?

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Coach Gary Palmer wants to know your opinion on how to train playing the short ball.

Are we pushing the boundaries of safety?

It's time to stop inexperienced and underage people feeding short pitched deliveries on bowling machines.