Beyond Passion: The Next Chapter in the Afghan Success Story | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Beyond Passion: The Next Chapter in the Afghan Success Story

Cricket in Afghanistan is more than cricket. Cricket is pride and identity. Cricket is the outlet of the nation.

You can see it in the performance of the national team: Since their reintroduction to world cricket, the side rushed up the rankings at impossible speeds.

They were driven to prove themselves and were not going to let anything stand in the way. They made waves at tournaments against the top ranked teams, despite not even having a real cricket pitch in the whole country for many years.

That joyful underdog journey started a decade and a half ago.

Afganistan are losing the “plucky” label and are now on the brink of sitting at the top table of cricket.

So, the country knows it’s time to take the passion, talent, commitment and joy and focus it onto creating a generation of cricketers built to play at the highest level.

Generation PV

Afganistan Cricket are rebuilding their four lane training facility in Kabul to match these ambitions. It’s no longer a place to practice, it’s becoming a place to turn raw talent into shining gems. That means a facility with video analysis and ball tracking, pace radars and detailed player profiling at every level and with every type of player.

For this ambition, there was only one partner: PitchVision.

With installations around the world, including the Cricket South Africa High Performance Centre in Pretoria, PitchVision are perfectly placed to help Afghanistan transform from underdogs to cricket super power.

The technology turns nets into smart-nets, boosts coaches’ analysis by providing video tools and tracks talent through the system to allow every player to get the best possible chance of success.

PitchVision are already busy installing PV/ONE with shot tracking and bowling pace radar alongside three PV/VIDEO systems to track and analyse every delivery from every player in the national setup.

It’s the next step in the Afghan story of success.

Passion can take you close to the top. It has for Afghanistan. There’s no doubt that to take the story forward and make it a true rags to riches tale, you need more. That more is drive by PitchVision technology and world-class coaching.

This shows PitchVision is not the reserve of the elite like some technology.

The same powerful tools - ball tracking sensors, cameras, and PV apps - are being used by big boys like South Africa, future big boys like Afghanistan and the smallest cricket teams on the tightest budgets. It’s simple, portable and has become an essential coaching aid for any governing body, club, school and academy.

PitchVision are delighted to be helping Afghanstian write their next chapter. Watch out world, here comes Generation PV!

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PV/MATCH let's you score the game, record video of each ball, share it and use the outcomes to take to training and improve you further.

Click here for details.